The Case For Her: “WE ARE SLUTS”


Slut shaming is a perpetual problem that hinders young women from exploring their bodies and sexuality. Labeling women as “sluts” has become so common that it no longer needs the basis of sexual promiscuity in order to be used. But in fear of being labeled as “sluts”, females often suppress their true selves, including the exploration of their bodies and sexuality.

Our solution is to remind young women how ridiculously overused slut shaming is by laughing at the fact that, according to the patriarchy, anyone can cross the line from not being a slut to being one.





Sluts of Instagram is a page dedicated to all the absurd, slut shaming comments found online. It serves as a constant reminder that no woman is immune to slut shaming no matter how much they try to avoid it.

With celebrity engagement, we can create a movement to undermine slut shaming in order to make it lose its power.


A slutty surprise box:



Since the line between “slut” and “good woman” is thin and completely made up, we are going to box up the surprising things that make women “sluts” (according to random guys on the internet) and send them to influencers who “fit” that label.

Included in our specially designed kit will be the “slut” worthy items, our guide book, and a note with the online reference that inspired the “slutty” goods.

Sure, it’s “A Gift for a *Slut Like You,” but really it’s a gift for women’s sexual agency, because if anything can make you a slut, that's more reason to do what you want with YOUR body!


Creative Partner: William S. Howard